Abstract classes and abstraction
This is a way of hiding implementation & ignoring the body of a method. The method bodies will be filled in derived classes. Remember the base class has to add “abstract” modifier in all of the provided methods and the derived methods from the base class have to have the same access modifier.
public abstract class BaseClass { public abstract void run(); abstract void stop(); }
public class DerivedClass extends BaseClass { @Override public void run() { System.out.printf("Running..."); } @Override void stop() { System.out.printf("Stopped!"); } }
This way can be clarified as an object inherits additional methods from the corresponding derived/extended object. This is achieved by using “extends” keyword example shown below
Creating a variable pf the derived c;ass to access its own objects
class Employee { String name; String address; String phoneNumber; float experience; public void attendTraining() { } public void receiveSalary(){ System.out.println("has salary received"); } }
class Programmer extends Employee { String[] programmingLanguages; void writeCode() { System.out.printf("writing code"); } }
public class Office { public static void main(String[] args) { Programmer programmer = new Programmer(); programmer.name = "Tugrul"; programmer.address = "Turkey"; programmer.phoneNumber = "009000000000"; programmer.experience = 10; programmer.receiveSalary(); programmer.writeCode(); programmer.programmingLanguages = new String[] {"Java", "C++"}; for(String obj : programmer.programmingLanguages){ System.out.printf(obj); } } }
Name: Tugrul Address: Turkey Phone Number: 009000000000 Experience: 10.0 salary received writing code Java C++
Creating a variable of the base class to access an object of a derived class
This is to create an Employee object of the HRExecutive object. There is no compilation error because HRExecutive object is the child class of Employee this means there is an “IS-A” relationship.
As you will notice Employee object will only reach its own objects not HRExecutive’s properties.
class Office { public static void main(String args[]) { Employee emp = new HRExecutive(); emp.name="Tugrul"; System.out.println(emp.name); } }
Here you see emp instance can only reach employee properties, not HRExecutive object’s properties.